If you are looking for a relaxing sail without the hassles, Tuesday may very well be the sailing day for you. It's a day for those that want to participate in an unorganised way, with no club organised formalities, members are free to do their own thing.
Sailing starts as early as 7:30 am and generally finishes around 4 pm. The shed is usually open around 10 am when most seem to start rocking up.
For those into competitive cruising such as the RC Lasers and Dragon Force 65 & 95 groups, it’s a good time to practice for the Saturday events & competitive sailing generally. For all it’s an opportunity to meet new members in a casual way and generally escape for a relaxing day. The RC Laser sailors have a new winter program of general, handicap & scatch sailing events (see the RC Laser sub menu).
It’s the day when members bring whatever it is that floats, sailboats of every class and configuration, electric low powered slow speed models of every type and novelties. We have had powered crocodiles, ducks, everglade boats and a “hull less” sail craft amongst the novelties. Noisey very high speed boats are not allowed under Council ByLaws.
Covid access restrictions have now been lifted. BYO food and drinks allowed and any club catering has to exclude self service. There is also a limited tea and coffee service as an interim step to the eventual reintroduction of the tea trolley.
Updated: 21st Feb 2024: 5:35pm