The purpose of the “workshops” is to introduce newer members to the hands-on techniques of boat building, sail making and rigging in a social atmosphere. Members, subject to their DIY abilities, are then able to do more at home and keep referring progress back to the group or to their chosen mentor for more assistance and guidance.

It is aimed at being a practical learning experience where hands on assistance is readily available to those without the confidence, tools or ability to complete a boat on their own. 

The workshop is not restricted to new members – all are encouraged to attend. Experienced members will always be on hand, making sails, refurbishing their own or other member’s boats or one that the club might be fixing up for sale.

Spare parts and accessories can be selected & purchased from the stock we hold - that extends to ready-made fibreglass hulls. Patterns for a wooden boat, plans and templates can also be borrowed.

New members find it a more relaxed introduction to RC sailing. It's a chance to get to know their fellow members, particularly others as new to sailing as they might be. It also provides opportunity to meet some more experienced members who are available to mentor them in their early days if required.

Most newcomers who elect to build a boat finish them at these workshops when the lake is used to “see if it floats” and when experienced hands are available to help with fiddly rigging and give advice on balancing the boat.

Recent projects include a new buoy placement & recovery RC vessel, converting a shelf yacht to a working one & to refurbish several donated craft. There always seems to be plenty to get involved in over a tea or coffee or two.

Time:   6pm till 9pm 

Date:   Check Calendar for correct date.  ( Click on the following link ) Calendar

Where:The Boatshed by the Lake at First Ave Mawson Lakes - Easy parking

Programmed Dates 2024: See our Calendar or visit our Facebook Page.

Projects may change at every workshop, as members bring projects / tasks along.

  • Refurbish & Modify ML45 Boats and other types of yachts etc
  • Sail making for those keen to give it a try
  • New sail rig & other mods to a Schooner (2 mast)
  • Assist new members with assembly of Dragon Force kits
  • Member assistance as required
  • Assist pop in members of the public seeking advice / guidance with their projects
  • Re-arrange & improve storage / workshop compound
  • Assist a member to convert a 50 yr old solid carved pond boat
  • Acquire, store & display gifted model boats & ships
  • Assist several members with other electric powered cabin cruisers etc
  • Assist new member with a "Popeye" craft - - just like on  Adelaide's Torrens River
  • Assist member with an Air Boat almost completed
  • Assist member with a large yacht with ballast tanks & transfer pumps etc

Updated: Jul 25th 2024 9pm