On the first Saturday of the month, we have a sausage sizzle at Noon with free sailing of mixed classes following around 1pm. Partners are most welcome to attend.

On the other Saturdays starting at 1pm, members are concurrently operating both an unstructured cruising and competitive program, developing the format as the year progresses.The current format is as follows;

  • The general cruising is free unstructured sailing of any class of boat, some electing to stay nearer the boat shed, possibly doing short courses while others elect to cruise the main lake and even into into the Promenade Lake while taking a longer walk.
  • The competitive component for ML45's and DF's boats is on an alternating weeks basis (excepting barbecue days). It generally starts with a short cruise before the competition fleet splits off to carry out its seperate activities.
    • The DF65's. will use separate and variable more complex courses to suit the conditions that may involve a relatively short walk able to be managed by the participants - other classes will be able to tag along.
    • The DF 95's operate from seated positions on the terraces over looking short traditional set course varied to suit the conditions.  Again check out calendar for their dates
    • The RC Lasers will be sailing on Saturday BBQ days and on some Saturdays conduct Handicap Series. Check out calendar for their dates.
    • The ML45's. The competitive cruising format is evolving with longer courses being trialled along with a form of handicapping to recognise the varying boat weights and skill levels of the participants  ... constantly evolving


Updated: 21st Feb 2024: 6.00pm