

Registration Form

2022/23 MLMYC Twilight Series

Begins Wednesday 19/10/22


Mawson Lakes Model Yacht Club
First Ave, Mawson Lakes SA

Important Information - please read

There is no entry fee for this series of 6 rounds, but you do need to fill out the entry form below to nominate for the series. The series is open to all MLMYC classes – ML45, DF95, DF65 and RC Laser. All MLMYC members are encouraged to participate in this fun series. The dates of the rounds are 19/10/22, 16/11/22, 14/12/22, 22/02/23, 08/03/23, 22/03/23.

For further information please contact Garry Polomka (ML45) on 0438 861 235, Brian Marshall (DF95) on 0419 840 482, Mark Easton (DF65) on 0432 482 761 or Adrian Heard (RC Laser) on 0427 833 324

Sailing will start promptly each evening at 5pm.See the club website for the dates of the six rounds. Each class will have individual starts with some classes doing a lake cruise and others sailing a set course. Participants are encouraged to join the sailing group at the Mawson Lakes Hotel afterwards for a meal or a drink.


Surname and Email fields MUST both have content.


*Surname       First Name



Sail Number: 

Class of boat: